Null in void 0.03

Null in void 0.03

Morning light shone beautifully through the arched rose stained glass of the modest cathedral. From the east Ceb rays permeated inside of the stony structure with splendour. A priest standing elevated over the crowd by a forward leaning pulpit, like a comical figurehead on the bow of a ship. Almost precariously, as if it should not be able to suspend him, though no one doubts that it would. Ecknard has never seen the church so full. The devotion of the colony has been growing but he did not expect a turnout of this scope. He swelled with pride and blinked away the moist warning sign of tears. People were even gathering around the outside of the building for a lack of benches to accommodate all the derriere's. Everyone was silent in pious reverence of the holy day. This day would initiate the MD epoch. Domitius, Clessia and Albin were sitting in the front pew. Albin, dressed in respectable although a slightly uncomfortable suit could not help but shift in his seat, awkwardly feeling as if he were disturbing everyone around him. Ecknard motioned with outstretched arms to alert all that he is about to address the congregation. The silence was so disciplined that you could hear the flap of his sleeves and a small bird chirping away on the stone windowsill outside, merrily indifferent to the solemnity of air the building exuded. “Kaspian brethren, esteemed Magar, today is a most holy and greatly anticipated occurrence! Before we initiate festivities I wish to expound, primarily to the benefit of the younger people in our company, the history of our colony and to express thanks. Ahem... It has been III cycles now since our colony had been established! Our endeavours have been blessed with great bounty, we have expanded independently in isolation! We, who are old enough to remember, were discharged, from the Primary Omega Expansion Vessel with only the implements of labour, livestock, seed, steely resolve and courage in our hearts. We asserted ourselves and rose to a daunting challenge, A party of MCCC slaves and free men to tame a wild land, adapt to a star with a volatile proclivity and a planet with different rotational patterns from what we were accustomed!” A slight excitement erupted from the crowd but Ecknard muted it quickly with outstretched arm. "Our esteemed visionary and great leader prepared a way for us, long before any of you even considered the freedom and opportunity, a chance to build something and own it!” The priest’s voice ascended powerfully out over the people. “He had a dream, an idea, a grand scheme to expand the Empire!” Ecknard motioned down to Domitius. The crowd erupted in cheer chanting, the older Kaspian men softly beating their chests with their fists. “Domitius! Domitius!” The lord’s composure remained unchanged, as if he were alone in private devotion. Clessia blushed slightly and tilted her head using her hat to protect her from the incessant adoration. Albin could not contain his own excitement and stood up on his seat in the pew to get a better view of the standing ovation, absorbing the glory directed towards his father.” The priest waited for the people to exhaust themselves until there was only an isolated call before continuing his monologue. “A student of the void, a sage of stars, a scientist of renown! Scoffed and ridiculed by his peers! They laughed and jested when he proposed his innovations. They published warnings and mockery of his ambition proclaiming to all that they would be proved fools if they are seduced by his unrealistic promise. Their jealousy moved them to lobby the high council to convince them, and convince them, they did. By ratio of VIII to II refused to grant him licence!” Ecknard leaned forward over the pulpit with a fierce look of disgust in his jowl. “A council on which he holds a seat to this day... He was denied the opportunity to improve the lives of future generations and untold millions by his own house! His desire to see his dream realised pushed him to do what no Magar noble ever has or would ever dare much less someone born of sacred blood!” Ecknard gripped at his robe as if to curtsy or show fear, no one understood the gesture. “He ventured outside the confines and protection of Magar Prime void. He brought his technological treasure to us! We Kaspa were undeserving of the honour! The Kaspian elders endorsed him granting freedom to continue his research and install his technology. A true Magar with holy blood in his veins travelling betwixt our stars!" He looked up and pointed at the arches as if he could see the stars through the stone and daylight. "Brethren, allow me to express the distinction of this achievement. Habitable planets are as rare as sat. Inhabitable planets are so rare, wars were fought at the mere rumour or hope of their discovery. With his star shields he was able to block the solar winds in systems that were inhospitable to travel through and not a single inhabitable planet to be found. With time and stimulus unnatural landscapes of horror and perdition were transformed into paradise. Our esteemed Lord Domitius with his lovely wife spent III cycles inhibiting stars and seeding planets with life. The Kaspian Academy of Sciences had a revival and all the concerted efforts of our people were united in spirit when we witnessed the first sun shields confine their chosen stars..." His tone became soft and morose. "We are truly blessed to have tamed XIV stars within our own void region. Kaspa is quickly becoming the most dense concentration of occupied habitats in the known universe. The family Chevalier conquered Ceb the most volatile star in the Kaspian void. And to inspire confidence in the stability of the star shield he settled under it’s umbrella to live through it’s success or die by it’s failure.” He paused for sincere dramatic effect. “The Seat of the Empire has since changed it’s opinion, humiliated and shamed are they who doubted... All glory to the Core.” “All glory to the core.” The mass repeated in unison. “Today we approach block CCCXV million since Genesis. The Epoch MD. One thousand five hundred epochs in the scientific metric tongue. The known universe is united in celebration, a ceasefire has been negotiated by Empire and the Juela Federation. Both are bound by the accords. No war may be fought. CCLXII million blocks have transpired since Exodus, when the almighty Core made Mother Terra desolate with the fires of it’s Judgement. Punishing mankind for it’s greed and vice. We thank the Core that it extends it’s reach to the outer void by way of the drift gates, unites mankind across the great divide by way of the XII anchor gates and that it continues to be merciful, guide and bless us. All glory to the Core. Amen.”

