Null in void 0.06

Core Divide - Sol System - Gate 7
Tremors from warp turbulence rumbled a bit excessively to the Stripper's liking. Emilien was occupied in the lavatory, inspecting and pulling at his face, staring intently at it in the vanity mirror. Macy's establishment was a popular place and he had concerns about who he might run into, contemplating whether he should stick some silicone cosmetic pads onto his face, just enough to obfuscate his current identity. Maybe he shouldn't bother because he might die soon anyway. He has grown fond of his current persona and wouldn't mind retaining it a cycle longer at least. Being artificially immortal somehow did not take away the terror of confronting death. He recalled the various deaths he had experienced and could not decide what method of passing through he preferred, imagining the many shells of himself in different states of necrosis all over the greater void. He considered the possibility that he might not even be himself anymore. He felt like he knows himself well enough to be sure but that small fragment of doubt always gnawed at the back of his mind. He stood back from the mirror. "Am I him?" The ship shook again breaking his stare, he looked at the dental lever lying in the basin and committed to the more necessary procedure, placing the edges of his palms on his chin pushing abruptly up and back dislocated his lower jaw leaving it to hang loose on his face. Taking the root lever from the basin and leaning into the mirror he expertly wedged the tool in behind his rearmost left molar and twisted it slightly, dislodging it. Catching the small object with his left hand he pressed it into a recess on a black ring which he tightly twisted onto his right hands index finger. He narrowed his eyes at the skeletal horror on the other side of the frame inspecting the freshly opened hole. He opened the vanity and took a cartridge which was labelled "AdrenoChem" he removed the object within the container and wiggled it into the vacant molar cavity. Drool dripping into the sink in spite of his reflexive swallowing, he gripped his jaw tight and in gentle circular downward motions found the spot and clicked the joints back into relocation. Chattering his teeth together while stretching his neck he decided to procrastinate on the disguise idea. Emilien went back to the cockpit. Sitting down at the helm he pulled up notices and reports on the divide's situation with regards to the cease fire between the two warring factions. "Tch, tch, tch. This blockade is not making things easy." His eyes were scrolling over bullet points of news headlines when his ship dropped out of warp at the designated coordinates. He switched the display on the primary screen to clearview. The scene of a dead planet, cracked open like an enormous fruit with scattered asteroid clusters and rocky debris appeared onscreen. A giant still wreck of a superstructure resembling parts of an anchor and drift gate joined to each other like Siamese twins, sharp flashes emitting from it silently, like a muted storm in the far distance. He slowly tilted his head to it's limit. Nothing looked familiar to him. He took the console, rolled and yawed simultaneously until his point of view made sense. "There we are. You're not there till you know it." Macy's space motel pitched into view like a tiny reflective insect. On a secondary screen he zoomed the display to fit. It was attached to a large tubular docking link reaching away distantly and back to itself like Ourobouros. There were four spacecraft docked around it's circumference, less than he had expected. He only recognised the largest ship, Warren's vessel. It looked like a mess of odd protrusions, parabolic dishes and bent antennae. Very unsightly, especially compared to the Lux Void Yacht docked across from it. Tourists from everywhere frequented this remote region of the great divide for obvious reasons. Primary motivations were curiosity, pilgrimage, seclusion and scientific research in that order. Macy was smart to settle her establishment at this specific site. Emilien checked web connectivity to make sure he was still well outside the data scrambling anomaly. According to legend, after the Viper gate had been released from the Core and travelled the required distance to it's anchor coordinates, it was supposed to propel it's drift gate into the greater void, but something went wrong. It malfunctioned on it's attempt to release and veered off course being pulled into the orbit of the Sol system. No one knows exactly how it happened but it was clear to see that the energy released was spectacular. The root planet and most of humanity perished in a second, those who survived on the dark side of the collision died from starvation and gradual planetary destabilisation. Emilien morbidly recognised the historicity of the treacherous looking voidscape. Pulsing his ship softly forward caused a cut to core connectivity activating a repetitive red warning light which he promptly covered with one of the intact disposable cups that were rolling around his feet. There is no way to turn the annoying emitter off and he usually ignored it with closed eyes or looking away when void jumping. He is never vulnerable to core connection loss unless he comes to this region or when he is purposely trying to disappear. Researchers have concluded that the interference was broadcast from the gates enormous husk's residual power and intermittent energy discharge. He reverse pulsed back out of the disturbance, the dimmed light under the paper cup died. "Astrid?" "Yes?" He carefully uncoiled the cable and leaned forward connecting himself to the command interface and resting his head on his arms. "Save me." A quick upload took place. "You are welcome commander." Emilien did not respond. Just grateful that if something went askew he would at least wake up knowing that the last thing he saw was the monumental vestige of humanities ancient resting place. And all the ship types docked at Macy's. He smiled at the floor.