The heavy hand, the hidden hand and the strong hands.

I recently watched Robert Breedloves WiM528 linked below. His guest whom I have never heard of before, Bryan Solstin, made the most compelling case to potentially prove the identity and person behind the persona of Satoshi Nakamoto. Their discussion fascinated and triggered me at different points for different reasons. In my writings I frequently draw a very strong correlation between Satoshi Nakamoto and Jesus Christ because of the synchronicity and alignment of their goals and effective outcomes. I strongly advise anyone curious about Satoshi's possible identity to watch the full episode.
One of the topics of discussion was the problem of mental illness, paranoia and schizophrenia and is the point I would like to expound on in this document.
This type of illness is not unwarranted and I find it to be much more common under the general populace of the world than is generally believed. Pharmaceutical drugs speaks to the symptoms of these fears but does not answer the cause. I strongly oppose drugs as a means to deal with possible mental health conditions because I believe them to be dangerous and suicide inducing when brain chemistry is affected by alcohol, chemicals in food, drink and water. It can have a host of undesirable side effects on medicated minds. I am not speaking to everyone's unique situation. I would personally much rather beat my problems out in my private ruminations and suffer in silence hoping to come to a point where some type of closure is found. Hopefully that helps me to carry on with life in a way that brings stability and peace to my family and loved ones in spite of inner my confliction and turmoil carried as permanent scars on my conscience.
The problem of paranoia and schizophrenia is as old as time and is predominantly a spectre born from uncertainty. This uncertainty in a more extreme way plagues people with power and wealth who suffer from these fears more than simple people with simple lives and little or nothing to lose. People with power and wealth, driven by fears and doubts then manifest and project their own fear outwards in the form of tyrannical oppression of these simple and contented people. In turn it manifests in the general population as paranoia and schizophrenia, an irrational/rational fear of the elite. A loop of fear and pain feeding on it's tail like the ourobouros serpent consuming itself. The "haves" clustering together in exclusive clubs for protection from the "have not's" who are increasingly disenfranchised from basic necessities and dignity.
This cycle of pain and trauma is rarely broken throughout human history, when it is, it is so impactful to the collective human phsyce that it is an epochal shift in the way society functions for centuries thereafter. Some times for the better, mostly for the worse. When for the better it usually manifests in more personal responsibility and greater freedom for all. As if the whole world releases a sigh of relief when it discovers that it was afraid of nothing more than a little darkness.
I am going to give an example of ancient collective resentment brewed from trauma through metaphor. A metaphor that Bryan Solstin alludes to in the interview is the Hayekian hidden hand. This metaphor has another definition that I would like to draw from, but for clarity and distinction I am going to define Adam Smith's hidden hand so that I can dispose of this metaphor and shift to a exposition of the hidden hand that is more useful to this thesis specifically. Both explanations are equally useful and valid in their own right but not the same in meaning.
Follow the link to learn the detail and value of Adam Smith's hidden hand and Friedrich Hayek's conclusions from it as subject matter.
I would like to address all the hands in order of heavy, hidden and strong.
The Heavy Hand
The heavy hand of God is often used in scripture to explain calamity of a populace or individual when confronted with some form of perceived judgement. When punishment is dealt by God in the old testament it is often generalised as the heavy hand of God. The physical hand not evident but the detrimental effects felt tangibly and empirically. The solidity and weight of the hand quantified in the suffering induced by its distribution.
Job 33:7
Surely no fear of me will terrify you, Nor will my hand be heavy on you.
I Samuel 5:6
But the hand of the Lord was heavy on the people of Ashdod, and He ravaged them and struck them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territory.
The heavy hand is not perceived as evil by the narrators of biblical literature. It is a predictable and sincere authority which punishes justly and obviously as a repercussion to dishonest and malfeasant behaviour. A type of karma and "serves you right" rebalancing of wrongs committed into an acceptable outcome of divine justice. In modern times the heavy hand is frequently interpreted as divine retribution when evil befalls people who have abused and treated others unfairly. This frame of mind could lead naive and vulnerable people into a superstitious trap where they find themselves entertained with the idea that devils are trying to harm them and guardian angels fighting at protecting them. This is a form of religious coping mechanism used to deal with uncertainty and doubt when people are ignorant of reality.
It is not logical to fear the heavy hand of god if you lead a good life. This is a very good and generally well accepted idea. If you hurt people they will be mad at you and want to hurt you back. So if you lead a simple and respectable life you should be safe from the invasive proclivity of bad mental health. id est Fear of punishment.
I Thessalonians 4:9-12
But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another; and indeed you do so toward all the brethren who are in all Macedonia. But we urge you, brethren, that you increase more and more; that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly toward those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing.
Paul gives sound advice that is foundational to and guides towards a stable and healthy mental state. Behaving respectfully toward your brethren, minding your own business and being self sufficient.
Now none should fear the heavy hand of god for his wrath is appeased under these pleasant conditions of societal harmony.
The Hidden Hand (Not Adam Smith's)
The hidden hand also finds it's origin in Judea, first founded and branded as the Mysterious Force, established as a movement by Herod Agrippa I as a conspiracy to snuff out the spread of Christianity and maintain Judaism as dominant culture in a environment of conflicting religious ideology. It has since evolved into a conspiratorial malevolence that is cause of consternation and fear that has plagued western civilisation for centuries. I would contend it is the root cause for almost all manifestations of antisemitism in predominantly christian countries, Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant alike.
The evolution of the hidden hands manifestation in the modern world is a product of western capitalism and imperialism. This is what is commonly referred to as principalities and powers of the air, the enemy that cannot be confronted because of it's ideological nature. People fear a maniacal elite who wish to dominate and control every aspect of their existence to the point of them being enslaved. People link this fear into international organisations or movements such as the World Economic Forum, Aipac, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Communists, Zionism, Islam or the global financial elite, pick your poison. This fear of a malevolent power that is bigger than your ability to confront is cause of real and pervasive mental illness. Fear of impending doom and no obvious avenue of escape. Chemtrails, FEMA death camps, gulags and covid isolation facilities, vaccine passports and travel restrictions, world war III, nuclear war, global warming. These fears have a tremendous detrimental effect on humanities mental health leading to the type of paranoia and schizophrenia that John Nash and many others suffer from, myself included. The elites love it when your fears are bigger than you confrontational ability to fight it. They graciously accept responsibility, confronting your fears in your stead while coercing you to submit to their authority. A mentally ill and scared populace is an easily controlled group. People who recognise the real danger cope with these fears by prepping, buying gold, guns, ammo and by joining extremist organisations. But it is not a cure just a coping mechanism because this intangible power of the air is not a material flesh and blood threat but ideological in nature. Born from peoples proclivity to harm themselves irreparably.
How do we find a cure to mental health issues of this magnitude? It seems an impossible dream.
The Strong Hands.
In bitcoin we like to joke and meme about the salad hands who sell their coins to turn a quick fiat profit and the diamond hands who hold onto their coins with unwavering conviction no matter the fiat price. This is because those who study and understand bitcoin transcend the principalities and powers of the air, we predict and speculate on the types of problems bitcoin might one day solve. We cannot value it adequately by the virtue of the problems we don't even know bitcoin will solve yet. Bitcoin is a priceless treasure to those who comprehend the esoteric attributes of it.
II Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
If John Nash is indeed the inventor of bitcoin I find it very inspiring to think that he found it therapeutic to confront the nature of his fear head on and tackled the root problem of mental illness being the love of money by working to fix money. Chaos and entropy is a natural part of life. If the human condition is defined by our eternally having to confront chaos with the intent of establishing good and useful order then John Nash is probably about to heal the world from a whole host of mental illnesses and causation's. Human's who motivated by greed exploit their brethren cause a distortion in value signal transmission. This degradation in signal translates into increased uncertainty and by extension increased mental illness and fears, rational and irrational.
Isaiah 35:3 Strengthen the weak hands, And make firm the feeble knees.
It does not really matter where you think the evils of this world spring from.
Bitcoin fixes this problem and the problems you have not thought of.
We are still in the transition of a broken world reeling from ages of pain and suffering to a new one. Remember that which is promised in prophecy is a world of hope, prosperity and property rights. A world where the exploiter of the weak and innocent has no foothold and no power.
If John Nash is or is not Satoshi Nakamoto makes no difference to this inevitable outcome.
Stay humble, stack sats.
Post script: "The elites" whoever they are most certainly suffer from worse and even more detrimental mental illness, delusions of grandeur and fear than does the common man. Their fears are not unwarranted but bitcoin could fix it for them too. I am just worried that they do not appreciate the price they deserve as demonstrated by their continual dismissing of it.